This is an argument most nonbelievers put forward against the science of astrology. They opine that because the practices are not testable, it is futile to expect valid explanations for them. Their belief is even strengthened when astrological predictions fail. However, there are reasons behind these failures, just like there’s a ground for every failed experiment in science. Let’s discuss.
Whether it is Mathematical, Physical, Chemical, or Biological Science, the knowledge is always guided by empirical facts; it is based on statistics. In astrology, too, everything is based on defined calculations. You have to calculate the planetary positions to form the natal chart. The measurements need to be precise. The difference of even a quarter of a second can create significant changes.
A certain planet moving in a certain house by, say, 15 degrees is not equivalent to the same planet moving in the same house by 16 degrees. This also explains the uniqueness each individual possesses. Predictions can be ruled by a million factors. Missing out on a significant single can lead to a so-called ‘failure.’ Here are a few cases explained:
Taking All The Systems Of Planetary Periods (Dashas) Into Consideration
The science of astrology is ancient. It has been a part of our Vedas, which is why it is called ‘Vedanga.’ Its primary motive is to help man understand the karmic influences in his life, and how he shares a connection with the celestial world.
If we go back in time, we will find Maharishis like Jamini and Parashara working extensively on this very field. They had laid down a number of systems to determine various planetary periods. These periods are called dasas or dashas and include systems like Mandook, Chara, Yogini, Vimshottari and more.
Each dasha has its own characteristics. Each comes with some benefits and some shortcomings. If an individual’s entire life is considered, each will determine some points, but not all. While one system could near the real state, the other could be far, far away.
While making a prediction, an astrologer takes into consideration all the systems so that he doesn’t miss out on any aspect. However, it is like gathering different fruits in the same basket. Although individually tasty, some fruits may not be right for a fruit salad.
It is better not to average the intensity of each system. For instance, if Mandook dasha is showing an accuracy level of 20% and Chara of 40%, calculating the average accuracy as 20% might rule out the good of Chara and invite the bad of Mandook.
However, if the accuracy levels are negative and positive each, taking the average might help. Nevertheless, the systems should not be mixed. Instead, a single system should be considered for a single prediction so that the most accurate results are achieved. And this is just for Vedic astrology. The other forms of astrology have similar glitches as well.
Merging Hora Jyotish With Medini Jyotish
Hora Jyotish is also known as Native Astrology and Medini Jyotish as Mundane Astrology. Both are way different from each other. ‘Hora’ translated means hour. Thus, Hora Jyotish is about how each hour of the day influences an individual according to any of the nine planets.
The hours begin at sunrise and carry the energy of the concerned planet. Also, this form of astrology needs to be in accordance with the rules laid by the ancient maharishis. On the other hand, Medini Jyotish is more intricate and happens on a larger scale. It covers the natural elements – fire, air, water, and earth and even the changing positions of the nine planets.
Astrological predictions based on the Mundane form also have to consider celestial affairs like solar eclipse (Surya Grahan), lunar eclipse (Chandra Grahan), and how such situations might lead to earthquakes, droughts, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, and even wars and battles.
It is, thus, not limited to studying an individual, but the universe as a whole. Sadly, some astrologers tend to mix the two concepts. It is never okay to link the effect of an eclipse with that of an individual’s zodiac sign. Think about it like this – if a tsunami occurs, it might kill anyone in its path. The natural disaster will not spare a person because of his zodiac.
By the same token, if the individual survives, it will be by dint of his dasha or hora. This is why it is not right to merge Native astrology with Mundane and come to conclusions. The predictions can not only be wrong, but catastrophic.
Depending On A Flawed Natal Chart
The time of birth of an individual is crucial in determining his natal chart. If based on a wrong time, it will always lead to wrong interpretations, no matter what. This is also the reason why most astrologers do away with the sixteen-divisional chart called Shodasvarga.
It demands the accurate time of birth without which it becomes difficult to study. However, ignoring Shodasvarga, in turn, leads to more wrong predictions. Yet again, this chart needs a lot of time to be analysed. In today’s world, when everyone needs everything within the single click of a computer button, the Shodasvarga chart becomes troublesome and hence, accuracy is thrown out of the window.
It demands the accurate time of birth without which it becomes difficult to study. However, ignoring Shodasvarga, in turn, leads to more wrong predictions. Yet again, this chart needs a lot of time to be analysed. In today’s world, when everyone needs everything within the single click of a computer button, the Shodasvarga chart becomes troublesome and hence, accuracy is thrown out of the window.
To avoid failed predictions, it is needed that you provide your astrologer with the exact time of birth. Imagine it as visiting a doctor for a certain ailment. He will definitely look into your medical history to ascertain the probable cause of the disease.

You shouldn’t hide anything from this man or provide the wrong information. Most astrological predictions that fail are not based on such divisional charts. In addition, because the chart the astrologer is referring to is flawed, it cannot suffice his quest for factual data.
Understand that to err is human. No profession can ever be hundred percent glitch-free. For instance, while some medicines prescribed by a certain doctor would fail, others might work wonders. This does not imply that the failed medicines are flawed or that the doctor is not worthy.
In addition, it does not rule out the effectiveness of medical science. Similar is the case with astrology. Mistakes happen, but they do not wipe out the very existence of the astrological aspects. So, do not let a wrong diagnosis shake your faith in the science. Accept it, understand it, and just delve in its profundity.
Trying To Find The Unfindable
The Lord displayed his Vishwaroopa Darshan and showed him the Kauravas entering his mouth, indicating their defeat. Abhimanyu, Arjuna’s beloved son, was also a part of the activity. However, the Lord chose not to show this bit and kept it concealed.
Arjuna had no idea this was going to happen and hence, was saved for the dissuasion at that time. Thus, it is futile to try and intervene a divine stratagem. Every prediction needs the approval of God. An astrologer, who has the audacity to defy his wish, always ends up making flawed predictions.
What More's There To The Story?
All these causes apart, astrology that has not changed with time, would undoubtedly be faulty. There should be thorough research and proper analysis. For instance, your fate also depends on the country and time zone you are living in. You cannot cling onto astrology that talks about defunct and illegal practices like child marriage.
Even our occupations have changed over the years and the predictions should correlate with them as well. Astrology for the society needs to be more meaningful first before failed predictions are criticised. Of course, it largely depends on the know-how of the astrologer you have consulted.