Thursday 2 April 2015

Ten Kinds of People You are Bound to Find on Facebook

Facebook has almost become our second proof of identity. It is perhaps the most widely used...and misused social networking site on this planet, defeating the entire global population with its colossal user base. Almost half of its denizens keep coming back to visit it, like, EVERY DAY. And, with this addiction on a steady rise, here are some madcaps you are likely to find on the platform, again, like, EVERY DAY.

The Ever Exhilarated Enthusiast

This one 'feels excited' for anything and everything – right from India entering the Oscars to his poop turning green. Rolleyes.
Feeling Excited

The Liker

Liking posts is the only motto of his life. And, the matter is not of any matter if the post matters to him or not. As long as his 'like' shines, the world is a great, great place.
Facebook Like Addiction

The Updater

Drinking tea, At the spa, Flying home, Taking a shower – the updater will announce every moment of his life with style. And that's lifestyle for him. B)
What's On Your Mind?

The Grouch

My life sucks. I am bored. I have nothing to do. I don't like anyone and anything. Oh! Why can't people be a bit more sensitive? Why is the sky blue and not green? Why does sugar taste sweet and not salty? Why blah blah blah...? Well, this one is a complaint box. Beware.

Funny Crying Scene

The (Pseudo) Film Critic

He does it for free – reviewing movies. Like this guy... :P

Pseudo film critic

The Grammar Nazi

Did you forget the comma after the fifth word in the second line of your comment? You're done son.

Grammar Nazi

The Tagger

A heavy downpour of photographs and a mighty torrent of tags. Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe – this person tags anyone and everyone in, of course, irrelevant pictures. Rolleyes, yet again.

Facebook tag abuse

The Stalker

Thankfully, Mark decided to keep visitor details hidden. Our stalker can now visit profiles without getting noticed. Oh! How he hated Orkut!

Facebook stalker

The 'Opinion' Guy

You will find him more on other people's profile than on his own. No, he is not stalking. Rather, he is busy commenting on their posts, or in his words, 'giving large pieces of his mind' everywhere. Everybody's business is HIS business. Yawn!

Top Commenter

The 'LOL'er

Last, but not the least, this guy is the ultimate LOL abuser. He 'LOL's everywhere on Facebook, mindlessly, almost always. Bitch Please.

LOL abuse

Have you met any of them? Go on, tell me...

GIF Source: YouTube

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Ten Sachin Tendulkar Moments That Made History

There are two kinds of batsmen on this planet. One is the Master Blaster and the other, the rest. Here are ten history-making moments from Sachin Tendulkar's life:

#1. First-class debut century. Ranji Trophy 1988. Bombay vs. Gujarat.
Ranji Throphy, 1988
Source: Mid Day
#2. Maiden Test century against England, Old Trafford, August, 1990.
Sachin Tendulkar Maiden Test Century
Source: Sky Sports
#3.World Cup 2003. India vs.Pakistan. 326 runs with an injured finger.
World Cup 2003, IND vs PAK
Source: Yahoo!
#4. The first batsman in the history of Cricket to cross 15,000 ODI runs, June, 2007.
Sachin Crosses 15,000 ODI Runs
Source: India Amazing
#5. 2010. The first batsman on the planet to score an ODI double 100.
The ODI Double Hundreds of Sachin Tendulkar
Source: The Australian
#6. World Cup 2011 won.
World Cup 2011 Won
Source: The National
#7.The 100th 100. March, 2012.
Sachin's 100th Century
Source: Cricket Dawn
#8.Retirement. November, 2013.
Sachin Tendulkar Retires
Source: Yahoo!
#9. Bharat Ratna. February, 2014.
Sachin Tendulkar Receives Bharat Ratna
Source: Mid Day
#10. World Cup 2015. Glenn Maxwell leaves interview midway to meet the God.
Glenn Maxwell Leaves Interview to Meet Sachin
Source: Storypick
We salute you, the God of Cricket. #Respect.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Candle Stand Made From Wood Apple Fruit

Candle Stand Made From Wood Apple Fruit
Candle Stands Made From Wood Apple Fruit
Craft Difficulty Level: Easy

1. Whole wood apple fruit (also known as cannon ball fruit, bel in hindi).
2. A good, sharp file.
3. Paint (Fabric or poster colors) and size 0 / 1 paint brushes.
4. Cardboard.
5. Black chart paper or plain white paper.
6. Glue.
7. Little paper flowers, buttons or any accessory suitable as a decorating item.

1. Crack open the wood apple fruit into two halves.
2. Scrape out the pulp (you can eat the pulp or use it as a household cleaner).
3. Because the rind never breaks evenly, you will need to file it a little until a perfect circle is achieved.
4. Wash the rind halves and let them sun-dry.
5. Meanwhile, cut the cardboard into square / rectangular pieces large enough to hold the rind halves.
6. Wrap the pieces in black chart paper. Alternatively, you can also use white paper and paint it in black.
7. Take the sun-dried rinds and paint them in different patterns of your choice. Don't forget to paint the inner surface of the rinds. Let the paint dry completely.
8. Take each rind and stick it to the cardboard wrapped in black / painted paper.
9. Decorate as shown in the picture.

Presto! Your candle stand is ready! Use it or give it to someone you love, as a gift. :)


ময়ূৰীৰ বিয়া হৈ যোৱা আজি প্ৰায় এমাহে হ'ল | আহ! কি জে দিন আছিল সেইটো! সেইদিনা তাইৰ কাপোৰেই চাবা নে মেক-আপেই চাবা! সাইলাখ দেৱী জেন প্ৰতিমা |
Photo credit - WeddingsOnline

মানুহে কয় 'লাভ মেৰেইজ' কৰা সকলৰ চেহেৰাত হেনো তেনে এটা উজ্জ্বলতা থাকেই | তাইৰো আছিল | পিছে লাভৰ ঠাইত লোকচান হ'বলৈয়ো বেছি সময় নালাগে নহয়...| বিয়াৰ দিনা যিডাল হে বতৰ ! পুৱাৰে পৰা নেৰানেপেৰা বৰষুণ | মানুহ নহ'ব বুলিয়ে ভাবিছিল তাই | গুৱাহাটীত বৰষুণ হোৱা মানেই বিদ্যুতৰ লুকা-ভাকু | গছৰ পাত এটা লৰিবলৈকে নাপায়, দাদাহঁতৰ দিলকেইটা আগতেই গাৰ্ডেন গাৰ্ডেন হৈ যায় -" বাঃ ! কি বঢিয়া চাণ্ছ !" দীঘলঠেঙীয়াই দেখা দিলেতো আৰু কথাই নাই..এক্কেবাৰে গাখীৰতে মহৰ খুঁটি |
পিছে আমাৰ মানুহবোৰো কিন্তু কম নহয় দেই ! কি ৰ'দ, কি বৰষুণ একোকে কেৰেপ নকৰে | কাৰেণ্ট নাই নাই, গাৰীত তেলতো আছে | ন' টেনচন, বিয়া জিন্দাবাদ! আমাৰ ডাঙৰ দাদাই ক'বৰ দৰে "বাদ দিয়াহে, আমেৰিকাতো বৰষুণ হয় |" কোনো প্ৰব্লেম নাই | মুঠতে বেয়া বতৰ সত্তেও ভবা মতেই বিয়াখনত যথেষ্ট মানুহ হ'ল |
ময়ূৰীৰ কিন্তু মানুহ অহা নহাৰ টেন্চনতকৈয়ো বেচি চিন্তা হৈছিল ভাবী 'জইণ্ট ফেমিলি'টোক লৈহে | আগতে তাই বিশেষ একো ভবা নাছিল | কিন্তু জোৰোণৰ দিনাৰ ঘটনাবোৰ দেখি তাইৰ এতিয়া ভীষণ চিন্তা হৈছে | সেই যে  হাঁহিলে দাঁতৰ আলু ওলোৱা মামীয়েকজনী আৰু শ্ৱোলে চিনেমাৰ 'কালিয়া'ৰ দৰে লগা মাহীয়েকজনী ! উঃ ! কি যে  চকু ! এক্কেবাৰে যেন জেঠীয়ে পৰুৱা গিলাদি একে কোবে গিলিহে থ'ব ! তাই বাৰু এই মানুহকেইজনীৰ লগত কেনেকৈ চলিব ? কি কুখ্যণত যে তাই ৰাজীৱক কথা দি পেলাইছিল ...! ছেঃ ! এতিয়াতো উপাই নাই | বহুত পলম হৈ গ'ল… |
…বিয়াৰ ভাগৰ মাৰ নৌযাওঁতেই ময়ূৰী পাগঘৰত সোমাল | মানে পৰিস্থিতিয়ে তাইক সোমাবলৈ বাধ্য কৰালে | ইনস্ট্ৰাকটৰ হ'ল হাঁহিলে আলু ওলৱা মামীয়েকজনী | দেখি তাইৰ বুকুখন চিৰিংকৈ গ'ল | মনে মনে তাই ভাবিলে 'হে ভগবান, বচোৱা |' তাইনো এতিয়া নিজৰ বিলাই-বিপত্তিৰ কথা কাক ক'ব ? কোনে শুনিব ? ৰাজীৱৰতো ছাঁটোও দেখিবলৈ নাই | এৰা, এতিয়া তাই ঘৰৰ মূৰ্গীতো ! ক'ত আৰু পাত্তা দিব ?
সি যি কি নহওক, সেইদিনা তাই তিনি কিলো মাংস ৰান্ধিল...অকলে অকলে | ঘৰত কোনো কালে একো কাম কৰি নোপোৱা ময়ূৰীৰ বাবে সেয়া আছিল ত্ৰয় জিনি অহাৰ সমান | পিছে ন-বোৱাৰীক ইমান সহজে এৰিব নে ? খাবলৈ বহি 'নিমখ কম হৈছে', 'জলা বেছি হৈছে', 'আৰু অলপ ভজা যোৱা হ'লে ভাল আছিল' ইত্যাদি কত কি মন্তব্য ! সেইবোৰ বতাহত ভাঁহি আহি ঠহৰ ঠহৰকৈ তাইৰ কাণত পৰিল | সেইদিনা তাই ভাতেই খালে নে চকুপানীয়ে খালে ক'ব নোৱাৰিলে |
দুদিন পাছৰ কথা | দুপৰীয়া তাই অকণমান সময় বিচনাত দীঘল দিছিল | মানে ভাগৰত লেবেজান হৈ অলপ জিৰণি ল'বলৈ বিচাৰিছিল | যৌথ পৰিয়াল | যিমানবোৰহে কাম ! সেই 'ৰামচে ব্ৰাদাৰ্ছ'ৰ ভূত বাংলোৰ দৰে প্ৰকাণ্ড ঘৰটো সৰা-মছাঁ কৰা, পৰ্বতাকাৰ বাচনৰ দ'ম ঘঁহি-মাজি ধুই পৰিস্কাৰ কৰা, গোটেই ঘৰখনৰ কাপোৰ-কানি ধোৱা, ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি | তাতে আকৌ ঘৰটোৰ বাসিন্দাসকলে গোগ্ৰাসে এগাল এগাল গিলে | যেন আকালত মৰিবলৈ ওলোৱা জীৱহে ! এইবোৰকে ভাবি ভাবি তাইৰ চকু দুটা মুদ খাইছিলহে মাথোন | হঠাত্ প্ৰৱেশ ঘটিল শাহুৱেকৰ | লগত 'কালিয়া' মাহী |
"বোৱাৰী, ঠিকে আছানে ? গা বেয়া নেকি ? দিন দুপৰতে বিচনাত পৰিছা যে ?"
আচলতে তেওঁ ক'ব খুজিছিল - "বোৱাৰী ! দিন দুপৰত আনাহক শুই থকাটো মহাপাপ ! নাজানা নেকি ?"
ময়ূৰীয়ে ভিতৰি ভিতৰিগুজৰি গুমৰি থাকিলেও ওঁঠত চুইচ টিপা হাঁহি এটা লগাই ক'লে "নাই মা, এনেয়ে..." তাইৰ কথালৈ কাণ নিদি শাহুৱেকে কালিয়া মাহীয়েকক উদ্দেশ্যি ক'লে - "জান' তৰা, বোৱাৰী যে আমাৰ ৰাজীৱৰ লগত ইমান মিলিছে - দেখাই-দৰ্শনে, পহাই-শুনাই, সকলো ফালে | হেৰি নহয়, আমাৰ ৰাজীৱ আকৌ পহাত বৰ চোকা আছিল নহয় !"

আচ্ছা, তাৰ মানে মাকে পুতেকৰ মেধাৰ বিজ্ঞাপন দিবলৈ আহিছে ! অৰ্থাত্ আওপকীয়াকৈ তাইক 'ডাউন' দিবলৈ আহিছে - ময়ূৰীয়ে মনে মনে ভাবিলে | শাহুৱেকৰ বিজ্ঞাপন চলি থাকিল |
"আমাৰ ৰাজীৱে মেট্ৰিকত 86 % পাইছিল জান' ! হায়াৰ ছেকেণ্ডেৰীত তাতকৈয়ো বেছি | আৰ্টছ্ পহিব খুজিছিল | মইহে জোৰকৈ চায়েঞ্চপহিবলৈ দিলোঁ | আজিকালি আৰ্টছ্ পহি কি লাভ, নহয়নে তৰা ?" তাৰ পিছত ময়ূৰীৰ ফালে মুখখন ঘূৰাই ক'লে - "পিছে তুমি হায়াৰ ছেকেণ্ডেৰীতকেনেকুৱা ৰিজাল্ট কৰিছিলা বোৱাৰী ?"
আমাৰ অসমীয়া মাক-বাপেকবোৰৰ মনত ল'ৰা-ছোৱালীয়ে মেট্ৰিক-হায়াৰ ছেকেণ্ডেৰীত ভাল ৰিজাল্ট কৰা মানে প্ৰত্যেকেই মোটামুটি একো একোগৰাকী 'চেলিব্ৰেটি' | শাহুৱেকেও ৰাজীৱ চেলিব্ৰেটিৰ দখ্যতাৰ গুণ-গান গাই গ'ল আৰু ময়ূৰীয়ে নিৰৱে সকলো শুনি থাকিল | কালিয়া মাহীয়েকেও কটা ঘাত নিমখ ছটিওৱাদি মাজে মাজে ৰাজীৱৰ সৰুকালিৰ দুই এটা ঘটনা সংযোজন কৰি গ'ল | মাষ্টৰৰ 'ভেৰী গুডে'ৰে ভৰি যোৱা ৰাজীৱৰ বহীবোৰৰ কথা, গা মূৰ পিহি মৰম কৰাৰ কথা ইত্যাদি ইত্যাদি | সেইবোৰ মাকৰ দূৰৰে কথা, ৰাজীৱৰো কিজানি ইমান মনত নাই যিমান কালিয়া মাহীয়েকৰ আছে | ইউনিভাৰ্চিতীৰ গ'ল্ড মেডেলিষ্ট ময়ূৰীয়ে নিজৰ কথা লুকাই ৰাখি ক'লে - "নাই মা, মোৰ ৰিজাল্ট সিমান ভাল হোৱা নাছিল | মোটামুটি ঠিকেই আছিল আৰু |"

ময়ূৰীৰ কথা শুনাৰ লগে লগে শাহুৱেকৰ মুখখন  আমাৰ দাদাৰ থাৰ্টি টু নট আউটৰ দৰে হৈ গ'ল | য়াহু ! কেনে মজা ! শাহুৱেকক আৰু কোনে পায় ! সেইদিনা ৰাতিৰ সাজ তেওঁ নিজেই ৰান্ধিলে | ময়ূৰীক একো কৰিবলৈকে নিদিলে |
দুপৰীয়া বিচনাত পৰা মহাপাপটো ময়ূৰীয়ে পিছদিনা আৰু নকৰিলে | তাৰ সলনি ৰাজীৱক কৈ লেপটপটো খোলাই ল'লে | তাই নিজে নুখুলিলে | তেনে কৰিলে বা আকৌ কি বিপদ হয় ! ব্যাসৰ মহাভাৰতখন অশুদ্ধ হৈ যাবও পাৰে ! কম্পিউটাৰটো 'অন' কৰিৰাজীৱে তাইক ইণ্টাৰনেটৰ কানেকচনটোও লগাই দিলে | হওক তেও, বিয়াৰ ফটোবোৰ আজি ফেচবুকত দিব পাৰিব | ষ্টেটাচটো 'মেৰিড' কৰিব লাগিব | পিছে লাগিল কেণা, কম্পিউটাৰটোত হাত দিছিলহে মাত্ৰ, ওলাল নহয় মামীয়েকজনী ! সেই যে হাঁহিলে দাঁতৰ আলু ওলোৱা, কথাই কথাই খুঁট ধৰা.....! ময়ূৰীৰ ভবা কথা মনতে থাকিল | ফেচবুক কাট খাই গ'ল | ঘৰৰ মানুহবোৰে ইতিমধ্যে আকাৰে ইংগিতে তাইক কেইবাবাৰো বুজিবলৈ দিছিল জে ইণ্টাৰনেট চোৱা ছোৱালী মানেই বেয়া ছোৱালী | মামীয়েকৰ প্ৰৱেশ ঘটাৰ লগে লগে তাই আছৰাণিৰ দৰে এটেনচন প'জ ল'লে আৰু ডেক্সটপৰ আইকনসোপাকে খোচৰাত লাগিল |

"তুমি কম্পিউটাৰ চলাবও জানা নেকি ? " (অৰ্থাত্ - তুমি কম্পিউটাৰ কিয় চলাবা ? তুমিতো বোৱাৰী !) "আগতে কম্পিউটাৰৰ ক'ৰ্ছ কৰিছা ছাগে | নহলে জানো....|" ময়ূৰীৰ পেটে পেটে হাঁহি উঠিল | "নাই মামী, মই কম্পিউটাৰ চায়েঞ্চত এম-এছ-চি কৰিছো |"

"অ' হয় নেকি ? তেনেহ'লে তাৰ পাছত বি-এছ-চি নকৰিলা কিয় !?" ময়ূৰীয়ে হাঁহিবই নে কান্দিবই ধৰিব নোৱাৰিলে | তাই একো নামাতিলে | আজি তাই ফেচবুকত ষ্টেটাচ দিব - 'মই এম-এছ-চি কৰি থাকোঁতে বি-এছ-চি কৰিব পাহৰি থাকিলোঁ |' লগতে এটা জিভা উলিওৱা স্মাইলি এটাও দি দিব.....|

আজি ময়ূৰীৰ বিয়াৰ এমাহে হ'ল | তাইৰ ষ্টেটাচটোত ইতিমধ্যে এশটামান লাইক্ পৰি গৈছে | কোনোবাই আকৌ কমেণ্ট কৰিছে - 'হেই, হাউ ইজ মেৰিড লাইফ্ ?' তাই উত্তৰ দিলে - 'দৌৰিচে, থ্ৰি জি স্পীডত দৌৰিচে.....!'

Maladies of the Lily White

Poor beggar girl, Photo source: DeviantArt
Jani had her home in a slum. Her mother used to sit underneath a canopy at the turning of the small alley which ran across the blighted area, selling small stuffs. Her income was meager. Some extra money would pour in once in a blue moon, and there would occasionally be provision for tea as well. Jani had always seen that routine, her mother never tiring and setting up her little shop every morning with new hope. She had never seen a life beyond those dusty streets and dingy huts. Her mother would narrate stories about the city to her, about the big tall buildings, the buses and cars, the busy streets and the orange street-lights, the fancy restaurants and flashy shops, and she would dream about being there someday. The house she was living in was a one room accommodation with a leaky roof and brick walls, matted with ages of black soot. There was a small bed in the corner with a soiled bed-sheet covering it. There was no money to buy another and so they slept on it ever. A rainy day would be tough and they would spend hours putting buckets under the leaks, emptying and re-filling all the while and praying for the downpour to stop. Dinner would usually be a plate of white rice at most, and on more fortunate days, they would have lentils and some vegetables. Life was difficult for them, but they were content. Jani’s mother had stitched a cloth doll for her sixth birthday. The little girl adored it and would show it off to her friends, comb its hair, offer it false food and sleep with it by her side at night. She never parted with her doll. She would enjoy the attention of her friends and would spend hours boasting about her prized possession.

Monsoon had settled in, the rain bringing with it a lot of distress that year. The gutter nearby was overflowing with stinking murky water. The area was flooded and dirty, diseases spreading and people dropping like flies. There were frequent visits from NGOs and relief centers. But the scene was going from bad towards worse. Medicines didn’t suffice and food was scanty. Jani’s mother too, was down with high fever, some kind of deadly flu, the doctors said. She had become pale and thin. The free medicines had failed to work and the poor girl didn’t know what to do. A night after the relief camp had withdrawn her mother’s condition worsened. She kept throwing up the whole night, her feet cold and body shivering. Jani was scared to sleep with her. So, she slept on the floor with the doll by her side and lulled herself to sleep. Her mother died that night; Jani was left all alone.

The coming days were tough for Jani to cope up. Initially, the neighbors would pity her and offer food from their small shares. But as the days passed, the warmth in their voice lessened. The shortage of and greed for a full time meal and all the bitterness of their miseries had hardened their hearts. The rain had got heavy and the roof leakier than before, and finally one ill-starred night, it crashed. Poor Jani had no shelter now. Though she had survived the accident, she knew that there was more discomfort coming her way. She hugged her doll tightly to her bosom and cried the whole night, fighting the rain and cursing her fate, wishing she were dead, and at the crack of the dawn, she made up her mind to leave the slum forever, oblivious of the future.

So, she bundled her belongings up in the soiled bed-sheet. There wasn’t much to carry. Just few old clothes, a stale piece of cooked meat, which one of her neighbors had once offered, a packet of white chalk which her mother had given long back, and her favorite, the cloth doll. As she walked past the small alley, Jani remembered the good old days with her mother and her friends. She approached the turning where her mother used to set her canopy up. The rain had swept away the temporary set-up, leaving only a pool of mud instead. The oilcloth that her mother had once used to save the puny shop from rains was half buried in mud, and a stray dog sat there, happily munching on a bone. She envied the dog with all heart. She tried to chase it away, suddenly feeling immensely possessive about the thing that once belonged to her mother. But the animal was reluctant. It gave a huge carefree yawn and reverted back to its chewing. She tried a few more times, but failed. Jani was frustrated, her heart heavy with the failure to retrieve her mother’s oilcloth. Just as she was about to give up and leave, the dog came to her wagging its tail. It had smelled the meat in her bundle. But, Jani didn’t have the slightest idea about canine behavior and gave a feeble attempt to shoo it away, confused and scared. But there was a sudden sharp bark in reply, giving her a strong panic attack. The dog plunged upon her bundle in an attempt to discover what it had smelled. Jani freaked out and after a brief struggle managed to tear the bundle out of its mouth. A terrified Jani then ran for her life, clasping her bundle tightly and not daring to look back.

Exhausted and shaken by the unexpected aggression, she arrived at the city at mid noon. It was exactly how her mother had described it to be- busy and flashy ever. She found her place underneath a peepal tree growing near the road-side. There was a woman selling fruits at a distance. She had tied her one-year old baby boy by his right foot to the lamp-post nearby, restraining him from wandering into the streets, and was busy attending to the customers. Her voice was hoarse and she sweated even in the shade all day long. The fruits in her basket reminded Jani of her empty stomach. She opened up her package hoping to find the piece of meat. But there was no meat. There was a large tear in the bed sheet. So, the dog had succeeded in its attempt after all! She searched for her other belongings. She had her frocks and the packet of chalk intact. But, her treasure, the doll was gone! That night, she slept underneath the tree with the bundle as her pillow, crying in hunger and despair, chewing the chalk pieces she had and longing for her cloth doll by her side and had a dream about her mother narrating stories about the big city.

A tickle in the ear woke Jani up early morning. It was the dog from the slum licking her face. It had followed her to the city and was now sitting beside her, wagging its tail, its tongue out. The previous day’s tiff was still fresh in her mind and this time Jani was more angry than frightened. The beast had stolen her food and taken her dear doll. With much spite, she grabbed a stone lying nearby and threw it at its head. The dog let out a weak whimper and skipped a few steps back. Satisfied, Jani went back to sleep. A few moments later she felt the tickle again. Annoyed and disgusted, she got up to hit the dog again and stopped suddenly. It was her doll; the dog was holding it in its mouth. It came towards her, this time with more caution, and settled near her, putting the toy at her feet. Jani was viewing the whole drama silently and could not believe her eyes. She had found her doll again. And she had found a new friend as well. She patted the dog’s head and said, “Thank you. Will you stay here with me? I’ll call you Kala”. The dog rested its head on her lap. Kala had reciprocated her love.

The next day started bright for Jani. An apple had accidentally rolled down from the woman’s basket into the streets. She had found it while taking a stroll nearby and taken it to her place. Kala had found a bone to chew upon. A light breeze was blowing and they were dozing off under the cool shade of the tree. Kala would raise his ears once in a while, paying attention to the slightest of sounds. But, Jani was soon in a deep slumber, dreaming about her life in the slum. She saw herself in her mother’s sari, the cloth doll in her arms and Kala following her, barking at a neighbor of hers. Then she saw her home. Someone was cooking inside the kitchen, might be her mother. Just as she was about to call her from behind, she felt a tight slap on her face and woke up with a start. The fruit seller lady was standing there, anger showing all over her dark face. Jani noticed her black unclean teeth and fuzzy hair and shuddered. “You took the apple from the streets, didn’t you?”, the lady inquired, dominance distinct in her tone. She gave a nod and there was a slap again. “Now pay for it”, screamed the lady. “But I don’t have any money”, Jani answered, a little frightened. The lady was furious now. “I don’t sit here all day to do charity! If you don’t have money, give me something else. Show me what you have in that dirty pack of yours”, she pointed towards her bundle. Jani quietly opened it. Kala was watching her with great observance. The lady ransacked the bundle, scrutinizing the things in it, until her eyes fell on the cloth doll. She took it in her hands and muttered to herself, “My son is going to love this”. She turned towards Jani and bluntly said, “I’ll take this.” The poor girl was already in tears. That was her mother’s last gift. She could never part with it, never. She snatched it back from the lady and snapped, “Anything, but this.” Jani’s words were like a huge blow on the fruit seller’s superiority. Enraged, she put her hands forward in an attempt to grab the doll from her. But Kala was already alert. He pounced upon the lady, almost pinning her to the ground. The lady was in a state of shock. Kala’s sharp barks left her no choice but to leave the place. After she was gone, Jani hugged Kala and thanked him, and promised never to leave him.

That evening, Kala was run down by a car. Jani was outside a baker’s shop, picking up a half eaten cake from the dustbin nearby when she heard the brakes screech. Kala was dead by the time she reached. His intestines were out and bathed in blood. The car driver geared off not bothering to look at what had come under the wheels. Passersby did a "tch-tch" and a "tchu-tchu" and went away. The fruit seller lady gave a sinister smile and was back to her business, shouting in her hoarse voice even more enthusiastically. Suddenly, the city no longer seemed like what her mother had described. Jani cried by his side till midnight, indifferent to the dust and the traffic in the streets. She had lost a friend.

Early in the morning, when the road was empty and the dust had died down, Jani slowly went to the peepal tree and brought back her soiled bed-sheet. She picked up the bits and parts of Kala’s cold body and carefully wrapped it up in the cloth. She took him back to the tree and started digging the ground with her bare hands. But the ground was coarse and Jani was just a child with not enough strength. Even after a couple of hours of desperate struggle she could still not dig enough earth to lay Kala’s rotting body. The sun beams were slowly dawning through the darkness. The street lights were dimming down and cars and buses were beginning to run again. Jani noticed that the fruit seller was back with her baby. Keeping the previous day’s tiff and all her fear aside, she went to her and asked, “Can you help me out? I need to dig the ground to bury my pet dog.” The lady looked at her as if she were a criminal. “Go to hell! Both you and your flea bag!”, she thundered. Jani thought for a moment and said again, “Please, I know you didn’t like him. But he is dead now.” After few seconds of silence the lady said, “Fine. I have a knife. But you’ll get it only when you give me the doll. And yes, give me the knife as soon as possible. I have a lot of work to do. I don’t sit here all day to solve other’s problems.” Jani nodded a silent yes.

So her mother’s last gift was soon gone. A grave was dug out neatly for Kala and he was rested in it. Jani was heart-broken and silent. She wept by his grave and slept by his side that night. And, she dreamed of being at her home again. And in her dreams she saw her mother in the kitchen, cooking for her. She smiled at her and welcomed her with open arms, “Where were you Jani? I’ve waited for so long and missed you so much. I’m glad that you’ve returned”. Jani felt the warmth of her mother’s cosy bosom.

She was happy. She was home again.


It had been raining for two days at a stretch. My usually bright room had started to look gloomy and there was a light stench of rotten food in the air. I guess it was coming from the common garbage heap outside.

Image credit: FirstPost
No, not the neighbors’ fault. It was just those municipality people. Well, they hardly showed up. And adding to my woes, there was no electricity in the locality. The place I used to love had suddenly become a pain in the rear. I had lost my umbrella and there was no way I could go out or call a friend over. I was bored to death and helpless. My phone was dead, the battery in the laptop all drained out. I was hungry, but there wasn’t any food in the refrigerator. All I found were some old biscuit and a big, dusty packet of noodles. Not bothering to check the expiry date, I just cooked some and gobbled up a bowlful. Nothing so far had tasted any better, I swear. Satisfied and full, I lazily dumped the bowl in the sink and myself on my cosy bed.

Sleep is a tempting state, I must say. All the big pour and the gray room were slowly taking me into a deep slumber. I was enjoying it....lazy me! I wasn’t bothered about anything then, not about the not-so-favorable times, not about the mountain of work back at the office and not even about my nagging mother. I was actually feeling good that the phone wasn’t working. At least I didn’t have to stand the curt remarks of my boss or answer my mother’s hourly rings to inquire if I was okay.

Then suddenly, shattering all my peace, came a huge knock at the door. I sat up on my bed, almost getting a brain freeze. Pissed off and bitter, I reluctantly went to the door and checked through the peephole. It was a child, a boy, 10-12 years of age, all drenched in rain. He knocked again and this time with more desperation. His hands were muddy and so were his torn clothes, eyes sunken deep into the orbits, face unclean and feet without shoes.

Beggar! I thought. Of late, the locality had been facing this problem of bugging beggars. I was pissed off more! Just as he was about to knock again, I opened the door sharply. “What do you want?”, I snapped at him. He was taken aback and slowly put a shaky hand forward, too terrified to speak. “I don’t have money. Now go”, I snapped again and slammed the door. I checked again. He was still there, much in a state of shock. Then, suddenly he gathered himself slowly walked away. I watched him till he was gone, and then I heard a faint cry... “I was just....hungry."
A sudden surge of guilt overpowered me. I opened the door again. But he was already gone, the rain making it impossible to see further. That night, I could not sleep at all. I tossed and turned on my bed like an insomniac, wishing I had taken back my words. I could have given him my share of noodles, maybe the whole packet. I could have made him take a bath and give those sunken eyes some sleep. I was full of remorse. The rain was slowing down and electricity was back. All the possible reasons of my gloom were gone. But, my mind wasn’t calm. Time and again I could hear his voice, mocking me, cursing and taunting me. What had I done??

Morning came like a sharp blade of heat. The rain was gone, my room bright again. I had stayed up the whole night and was feeling sluggish. Nevertheless, I got up from bed, took a bath and had a quick breakfast of my old biscuits. I was having a terrible headache and desperately needed a painkiller. So, I dressed up and headed towards the chemist shop nearby. The streets were still muddy, but the grass was cleaner and greener. The rotten food in the garbage heap was still stinking. And, I could see a small gathering of people, probably discussing the issue.

As I was walking past them, I heard one of them say, “He must have eaten something from the dustbin.” With a thud in my heart I stopped and turned towards the heap. There he was, lying near a trash bag, a rotten piece of bread in his muddy palm. His mouth was slightly open, a layer of whitish foam dripping, and his sunken eyes, wide open. He was looking at me....yes, at me, questioning, accusing. I could not take it any longer. It was as if the sky was crashing onto me, my surrounding fading. The ground no longer held me firm. I was blacking out.

I had murdered him.

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Indian Culture, Shillong, Meghalaya: Inner Peace Found

When you are in the Scotland of the East, you cannot miss Sri Aurobindo Institute of Indian Culture (SAIIC). Well, to be very frank, I've never understood spiritualism. So, for those who really are into it, this place has it all. As for me, I had to Google a lot of things after I came back. :)

This particular institute has link ups with the Sri Aurobindo Ashram of Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu. So, you'll find pictures and symbols of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother everywhere. One thing which is bound to attract any layman like me towards the ashram is the ambiance. Its very peaceful and quiet. There are rows and rows of flowers (you aren't supposed to pluck them!) and a big meditation hall. Once you're near it, you can smell the fragrance of burning incense in the air. The inside of the meditation hall is beautiful, all wood finish. Avoid making any kind of loud sound as it is against the ashram rules.

My experience inside was no less than reading a Dan Brown novel. There's a big metal circle at the center of the hall, decorated with flowers. They call it the "Symbol of Center of Education", the effective manifestation of Ishwara (God) and Ishwari (Goddess) in union. Tough to understand, I know.

To decode this symbol, you need to understand the other two very important symbols, Sri Aurobindo's symbol and the Mother's symbol. Sri Aurobindo's symbol is represented by an ascending and a descending triangle.

Photo source:

It is explained as: "The descending triangle represents Sat-Chit-Ananda. The ascending triangle represents the aspiring answer from matter under the form of life, light and love. The junction of both - the central square - is the perfect manifestation having at its center the Avatar of the Supreme - the lotus. The water - inside the square - represents the multiplicity, the creation."

Again, the Mother's symbol is a circle with petals.
Photo source:

This also has an explanation, "The central circle represents the Divine Consciousness. The four petals represent the four powers of the Mother. The twelve petals represent the twelve powers of the Mother manifested for Her work."

 Sitting beside the Symbol of Center of Education

Leaving the heavy topics aside, the ashram is a wonderful place. It has a large conference hall and shops which are known as "Divine shops". You can buy a variety of items which come all the way from Pondicherry! My personal choice is Auroshikha agarbatti. Try it...its wonderful!

There's a duplex inside the ashram and they call it "Meera Cottage". Its a guest house. So you can book your stay there and enjoy. They also have dormitories and a clean canteen too.

Sri Aurobindo Institute of Indian Culture is much more than what I've described. Intellectual or not, you are sure to love the place. So the next time when you are in Meghalaya, go to Bivar Road, Shillong and do visit the place. I bet that you'll get a lot of things to ransack the Internet for!! :)

New Market, Kolkata, West Bengal: Let Me Shop a Little More

 Photo source:
New Market...I’ll call it the shopaholics’ heaven. Old, famous and busy ever, this place is just where you’ll want to be if you are on a shopping spree. Also known as the Hogg market, this place has everything, yes, everything to offer. From food corners to jewelery shops to gadgets and gizmos, well, the list is endless, and that too under one roof! Bargain as much as you want here. It is THIS liberal!

Once you are there, just devour the whole of the market...there are over 2000 shops. Girls! You will find shiny jewelery stores offering you earrings, from the tiniest studs to large jhumkas, bangles from a large range of colors, neck pieces, bling blings, anklets, toe rings and what not! Match these with your clothes and wear! Speaking of clothes, you’ll also get a wide range of clothes, from kurtis and leggings, to saris, salwar kameez, tops and t-shirts, pullovers, jackets and belts, jeans, gowns and the list goes on. Further, you’ll never get soft toys as cheap as in here.

So, if you love to own and display a huge bunch of these at your home, like I do, then New Market is the name! And guys don’t panic. You have your share too! You get all kind of gizmos you were dying to own. Don’t have money for an I-pod?? That’s OK. You’ll get something as good as that in New Market! You have a wide range of footwear too, from simple sandals to kolhapuris to high heels, shoes and boots. And buying bags, small or big, clutches or backpacks, athletic bags or baguettes, laptop bags or slings, is always welcome and never regretted! And don’t only keep searching just on the surface. There is an underground shopping mall too, the Simpark mall, fully air conditioned and elegant. I bet you’ll not want to come out of it.

Photo source: Kolkata Chromosome
Accessories and clothes aren’t the only things here. You have almost all necessary items for your household too. Bin bags, laundry bags, pen stands, tables, table covers, sofa covers, dining mats, dinner sets, cutlery, bed lamps, wall hangings, you’ll find practically everything for decoration, including fresh flowers.

Once you are done with your shopping, you can enjoy a glass of fresh lime soda or the more natural lemon juice with pudina. Taste Kolkata’s age old delicacy...phuchkas with tamarind water. Lick a kala khatta. Enjoy a cup of lemon tea at the entrance of Simpark mall. Actually you can comfortably sit there and sip while the wind blows. Have authentic biryani with raita in restaurant Aminia or Nizam’s and do order a pudding in your desserts. But for a better taste of desserts, visit “Scoop”. You can also go for Bengali food in Kasturi or Radhuni restaurant. Chicken and pizza lovers, you will not want to miss Dominos and KFC here, right?? Try momos at “Wow! Momos”. Ice cream and fruit juices corners are everywhere. Beat the heat with these. Well, I have listed just a few. There are lots more. Just explore and discover! There’s even a fruit and vegetable market. Go on....try this as well!

So travelers, remember this address. Its Lindsay Street, Esplanade, Dharmatala, Kolkata. Have a happy and safe stay! Shop till you drop and smile!

Pipili, Puri, Odisha: Color, Color Everywhere

There's this little town in the temple city of Odisha, hugely famous for its applique work. Beautiful lampshades, colorful hand bags, bright wall hangings, letter holders, little purses, cushion covers, bed sheets, umbrellas, you name it and you have it! The market place itself is a distinct heaven of colors. Have you noticed the photographs below??

The market place of Pipili
The shops at Pipili
Applique work of Pipili is actually patching cloth design in other words. The locals have named the art form as 'Chandua'. So, what they generally do is cut pieces of colored cloths into various beautiful  shapes and apply these onto another cloth called the master fabric.

Wall decors inside a shop
The themes have usually originated from the temple city. So, you'll notice a lot of items with the art work depicting Lord Jagannath, specially the wall hangings. No ritual inside the temples in Odisha is completed without a Pipili Chandua. Even the great Chariot festival of Odisha known as the Rath Yatra demands canopies and umbrellas from Pipili. This famous place has also etched its name in the Limca Book of Records to have manufactured the 'Longest Thematic Applique Work' of 54 meters in the year 2004.
Colorful lamp shades
The most spectacular of all the art work in Pipili are the lamp shades. Complement these with a bulb and the decor's even more beautiful. You can also go for the multicolored umbrellas designed with Pipili art work. And then you have bedsheets, handbags and carpets too!

Don't hesitate to spend your money on one of these. In fact you can buy as many as you want! The price is going to be easy on the pocketbook. I mean it's flatteringly cheap. :) Buy anything here and that too without burning a hole in your pocket!!

And yes, when you actually happen to visit this place, do give a sure shot look inside the shop and the workshop as well. The workers toil day and night to create the beauty that you see outside. Respect for such hard-working beings!

Workers in action at a shop
Devi Applique Workshop is one particular shop here that I love. Not that the other shops aren't that good. In fact, some other shops are even better. But, the shopkeeper here, Mr. Dilip Bera, is one interesting guy. He'll never let you go empty handed. Now don't feel conned! He's a good salesman! And what's more! He even offers free gifts sometimes. ;)

Mr. Dilip Bera, the ever-smiling shopkeeper
A beautiful piece of Pipili art work
So, don't miss Pipili if you happen to visit Odisha this time. It is one of the most famous amongst all Odisha tourist places Do shop a lot there! I'll go, check my new Pipili buys! You know, I cant resist myself from checking the stuff again and again. Tempting, these are! :) I'm seriously Pipili-fied now! Tada!

Sudha Car Museum, Hyderabad : Creativity Beyond Brilliance

Can you imagine riding a king-size bed, or a helmet, or even a cigarette on road for real? No?? Well then, you are in for a surprise at Sudha Car Museum, the only hand-made and absolutely wacky car museum in the entire universe!! A pun in the name, Sudha Car Museum actually derives its identity from Mr. K. Sudhakar. Hold on! This guy had manufactured a ginormous red tricycle, the largest in the world, which found a place in the Guinness World Record! Eyes popping out?? :) Check the picture on your right....!! Yes, that's the one!

So, I was in the pearl city some years back when this museum happened to me (thanks to the boring conference in HiTech City :P). Though the air-conditioned hall in International Convention Centre sounded cosy, Sudhar Car museum was much more refreshing and unconventional.

Walk around the place and you'll find weird looking vehicles, bikes, cars, buses, cycles...all in working conditions!! As a matter of fact, you may catch a glimpse of some of these running on road! You'll see footballs, tennis balls, cricket balls, a whole snooker board, a Nikon DSLR, a shivling, a toilet-seat, a computer, a cup-and-saucer, a giant Christmas tree, a big yellow bed, a giant wheel....take a break.....its a huge list! Wait, all of these are vehicles! Sudha Cars had made a Rolls Royce out of a 1100 cc engine! And a computer car out of a Kinetic Honda engine! And had come up with a 60 kmpl condom car specially for the World AIDS day! Oh.My.God!! It was amazing enough to not let me have a second thought about the camera fee. Yes, photography is chargeable! But, I took as many as I wanted. These, I am sharing with you all. Experience creativity, people! :)

Something very cute was discovered! Click!

So the next time you are in Hyderabad, make sure you visit this place. The address is 19-5-10/3/A, Bahadurpura, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500064! Hyderabad reminds me of yummy biryani. I'll go and get some now. Stay updated for more posts... :)

Psst! This beauty was in the workshop then (prohibited area). Click! Shhhh!! Tee hee hee!! :D ;) :P

Kumortuli, Kolkata, West Bengal: Where the Gods Come to Life

Ma Durga - Kumortuli
In India, Saratotsav or Durga Puja, the annual Hindu festival, is most celebrated in Kolkata. The city of joy becomes busy and is all lit up for the occasion.

The shiny pandals, elegant idols, the aroma of burning incense, the chanting of mantras, the dhakis playing their dhaks, together take you into a deep trance.

As the festive season approaches, there’s a small place in the city itself, which becomes even busier. Kumortuli (a.k.a Kumartuli), or the potters' town, is the place where the beautiful idols are hand crafted, hued and adorned.

It’s been alive for more than 300 years and not only has it grown old, but also gained immense fame with the passage of time.

Durga idol in the making
Kumortuli is not a fancy place at all. In fact you’ll encounter a lot of narrow lanes and muddy streets. Most of the shops are in dilapidated conditions, with leaky roofs and dirty floors, work space poorly lit and damp.

But, if you are an ardent art lover, you’ll forget your discomfort and awe at the stupendous creations. Look around! There are idols everywhere, some as small as your palm, others as tall as 15 feet! The idols are supplied in places all over Kolkata and even abroad.

There are other shops too, which sell the weapons and other accessories needed to decorate the idols. Photography is allowed, but not without a fee. Visit any time round the year, and enjoy this unique place, especially during the Durga Pujas.

The gullies of Kumortuli

Now, making idols is not a piece of cake, we all know that. The techniques of this age old practice have been passed on from one generation to the next in Kumortuli, and the fire, thus, kept alive. Long, tedious hours of labor, immense patience and teamwork can only give rise to a complete idol.

Firstly, the framework of bamboo and straw is made, upon which wet clay is applied. The clay mostly comes from the river bank nearby and the ritual is that the first handful of clay should come from a prostitute’s house.

Layering the clay is the toughest part. It has to be thoroughly mixed so that it doesn’t loosen and fall off. Cracks appear when the clay dries. So, pieces of cloth are soaked in clay and wrapped around these cracks.

The next step is the painting of the idol. An initial coat of white color is applied to the structure, followed by a yellow one and lastly a red one. All these colors are earth colors, which are found as such in nature. After this, the detailed painting session starts.

The idol makers of Kumortuli paint the eyes of Goddess Durga last, following the tradition of Chokkhu Daan on the day of Mahalaya, which is a week before the pujas. The idols are finally varnished, false hair glued, dressed and decorated. 

Goddess Durga idol
And, after so much of struggle and earnest endeavors, it’s painful to watch the idols being given away to the holy Ganges on the day of Vijayadashami. Sadly, this is the tradition, which has to go on forever.

Leaving the dark side aside, Kumortuli is a wonderful place, an endless tale of history and culture and an apt destination for all the lovers of aesthetics. When are you visiting it?